Ultimate Service Associates Celebrates 10th Anniversary
On May 1st, our company crossed an important milestone and celebrated our 10th anniversary. We would like to take this occasion to thank each of you for being an earnest part of Ultimate Service Associates. Our excellent team plays an important role in the development of our company and it is their enthusiasm, support, and dedication that has brought us to this milestone.
We are also extremely grateful to our clients who have trusted in us to provide them immaculate service and support. We plan to keep our business and relation growing with you, and continue to provide you nothing less than the best. With your support, we wish to explore new heights and celebrate many more milestones.
Is Your Business Prepared for Hurricane Season?

Due to our reliance on power, it is critical to make sure your business is protected against weather related power failures.
With severe spring storms and the arrival of the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season on June 1st, is your business prepared?
If power fails, ensure that your generator is properly maintained and ready to operate in the event of a power outage.
Learn More
What Can Ultimate Service Associates Do For Your Business?

Ultimate Service Associates offer network operators a single uniform reporting system. Not only do we provide our clients with a comprehensive periodical review of the state of their network, we also track trends in equipment performance in order to address issues before they become problems. We have the flexibility to customize our computer driven reports to the format our clients require to fit within their own systems. Contact us today to learn more.
Congratulations to Our Star Employee Melissa Watkins
Our Star Employee for the month is Melissa Watkins.
“Mrs. Watkins is one of the kindest and most giving people I know. When anyone needs help, she is the first person to pitch in to get the work done. When one of our clients was down a coordinator, she moved her workstation to the team’s area and took on that coordinator’s work and did her work also. She even prepared PM jobs a couple of months into the future so that when she left it would be easier on the team.”
– from Eric Jones, our March Star Employee.